Monday, July 4, 2016

Another 1,810 BURST coins Won with my 1.8TB Burst Mining Rig

Another 1,810 BURST coins Won with my 1.8TB Burst Mining Rig

Kaboom!  We're at it again.  My 1.8TB HHD Proof of Capacity BURST coin Mining Rig nets another forged Block.  The current Block reward is 3,250 BURST coins. I ended up netting 1,810 BURST coins. If you recall I won another block 6 days ago for 1,300+ Burst Coins.

Mining this up and coming premier Altcoin is proving to be so rewarding.  In today's BURST Blog post and video I show you how you can determine if you've actually won or forged a Block using BURST Proof of Capacity (PoC) mining.

Many Miners asked how can they find out if they won or forged a block, well this videos clarifies it and shows you what you need to look for in order for winning confirmation: